Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone had a Happy Easter! With weather like we had yesterday, it was definitely a Happy Easter for us! I really always have the best of intentions to update our blog, but sometimes the last thing at night I want to do is think and type on the computer so I just procrastinate since I seem to be really good at that.

Last week we had two beautiful days at the beginning of the week so Taylor and I were able to get outside for at least a few minutes to start cleaning up the backyard. With everything that went on last summer with in vitro attempts and trying to get adoption paperwork together, the yard was quite neglected so we have to make up for two years now. The first day, I wasn't thinking and as I was taking out the plants from my garden from last summer, I put Taylor in the bumbo chair as I worked. Taylor quickly figured out she could just lean over a little bit and pick grass. Of course at this age, anything that she grabs goes directly in the mouth, so I am glad to say that she is still doing all right after eating grass and dirt last week. I learned by day #2 and since she is really starting to sit up well, I put her on a blanket on the grass and she just watched me work and played with her toys. She LOVES being outside which may be the reason that when it was stormy the rest of the week, she wasn't the most pleasant little girl to be around. That and the fact that she is fighting taking two naps even though she is rubbing her eyes and so tired!

Yesterday we went to church in the morning and the Easter service was definitely one of the best I've been to. Some of the musical numbers just gave me chills up and down my entire body. It was a great way to start out Easter. Then we went over to Dustin's family's house for a late lunch/early dinner and we were able to get some pics of the girl cousins together now that Steve, Savanna, Bo and Mia have officially moved back to UT. We're so excited about that!

Taylor in her Easter dress

Grandma TT with Allie, Mia and Taylor - Sidenote: Now that Mia's hair is starting to turn slightly red, Taylor now has 2 redheaded cousins. What are the chances of that?
The three girls Allie (4months) Taylor (7 months) and Mia (9 months) almost to the day since Allie and Mia were both born on the 2nd and Taylor on the 3rd. Poor little Mia has a strong dislike for grass.

Taylor Allie and Mia in their cute Easter dresses from Grandma TT and Papa

Our little family!


To Be Determined said...

A little dirt never hurt. I ate sand until I was 6.

Anonymous said...

What a nice photo of your family - Taylor is a doll!

Lizzy said...

loved her easter dress!

Jacquie said...

What a beautiful family you are - Taylor is so cute and I've really enjoyed your updates and great pictures. Hope I get to see you and Taylor when you're home visiting.

Kyle, Adrienne and Hayden said...

LOVE the pictures! Taylor is so adorable and getting so big. I can't wait to see her again!