Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Not that my blog is that interesting any way, but I have definitely been a slacker, I mean WE have been slackers. Dustin has been even worse than me!

In our defense, we were both out of town last week for work. Dustin was in St. Thomas and I was hitting city after city. Boston, New Jersey, New York City and Philadelphia in one week is a lot to hit and a lot of driving. UGH! I was able to read 2 books on the plane so I will have to fill you in those too. Although they may only be interesting for you hopeless romantics out there.

Quique was at doggy boarding for the week and was able to play with dogs all day, but I am sure that she was pretty upset when she had to sleep alone in a kennel at night (even though the kennel is half the size of my living room). When she and Dustin picked me up from the airport, she wasn't even excited to see me. When I got in the car she wagged her tail in slow mo a couple of times and then turned away from me and looked out the window. Can we say the silent treatment from my dog?

Anyway, I promise to be better and hopefully I can make this a bit more interesting in the future.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Hitting all the cities nice!! I am jealous! Hope all is well.