Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Wednesday Letters

My mom actually got this book for Dustin as a Christmas present. No she wasn't trying to prove a point, but she had heard about the book. Although Dustin reads virtually a book per week (if not more), I don't think that this is one that he plans on picking up. I am of course a hopeless romantic and when I heard about this book and the whole premis of a husband vowing on his wedding day to write his wife a letter every week, I was hooked before I turned to the first page. And this book certainly didn't disappoint. As romantic as this gesture was from a husband to a wife, there were still times when their marriage went through the hard times and you were able to understand the raw emotions poured out in every letter. Not only from the husband, but the wife as well through her husband's eyes. I had a 4 1/2 hour flight to Boston and I couldn't put the book down. Luckily that was enough time to finish it. (I'm not the fastest reader).

As many of you know I am a crier. Whether it's a movie, a book, or even maybe a touching commercial (yes very scary I know) I have been known to shed a tear or many tears for that matter. Anyway, sitting on the plane next to an employee at my work (that I didn't even know prior to this trip), with tears running down my face can actually be a bit embarrassing. Especially when she comments on the fact that I'm crying. At least ignore it... right?

Anyway, this book is an easy read and a beautiful story about these children that discover so much more about their parents and even themselves. I highly recommend it. And if you have a husband or significant other who is willing to read it or that you are able to manipulate to read it and he is inspired to write you a weekly letter, more power to you!

I need some new books to read. So if you have any ideas or suggestions, I would love them!


Jason Wright said...

So glad you enjoyed the book :) Thanks for the kind words...

Heather said...

Hi Jamie!
Been thinking about you. Hope you are doing good. Sending you all my love.

Lizzy said...

I love a good book - I need to read this one. Thanks for the suggestion!

Created by Sarah Robbins said...

My mom gave me that book a couple of months ago. I haven't read it, yet. It sounds great. Thanks for getting me excited to read it.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Teclado e Mouse, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://mouse-e-teclado.blogspot.com. A hug.

Mike & Stephanie Wright said...

Jamie! I found your blog through Autumn's. It looks like you are doing great! It has been years and we live in the same state. I do remember that you cry so easily at movies, books etc... You crack me up! I married Mike Wright (You remember him right?) Anyway, I just read The Glass Castle and it was a really good book. Cheers, Stephanie Wright (LeBaron)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of The Wednesday Letters, I work with Jason and thought you’d like knowing he has a new contest on his web site where you can win a free trip-for-two to his hometown in VA, the Shenandoah Valley. All you have to do is mail him a Christmas card! All the details are here:


Have you read his other books: Recovering Charles and The Christmas Jars? check those out, too!