Wednesday, August 12, 2009


On Saturday, Dustin did his first century bike ride! 108 miles!!! He has been a busy bee this summer with his triathlon and biking and I couldn't be more proud of him. If I'm on the bike for 45 minutes I am hurting bad so I can't imagine him being on a bike that long, let along pedaling for over 100 miles. Each year he does something that inspires me more and more! It's just another reminder that I need to get my butt in gear so that Taylor has something to look up to me for.

DT after the finish line!

DT and JP. Dustin had a great start and then at mile 50 stopped for a bit to wait up for John. Little did he know that while waiting, John passed him right up and ended up finishing before Dustin. Dustin was pretty darn proud of his friend who barely even stopped for food or water during the ride!

Tom, Dustin and John. All three completed their first century bike ride. Pretty darn awesome!!!


CVH said...

Great going Dustin!

Heather said...

WOW! So impressive and inspirational. Congrats Dustin. I can't imagine biking that much.

Lizzy said...

that is seriously amazing...and inspirational! way to go!! i am very impressed.

To Be Determined said...

That is just pure craziness. i am impressed