Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Back to Reality

Thank you for bearing with my mental breakdown last week. I think after enduring the better part of a week when Taylor was crying (actually screaming) for 45 minutes plus any time that I would put her in her crib whether nap or bedtime, just made me a bit loony and desperate last week. So thank you for the advice and support. Things are going better. I am just going to keep on trying things, but it looks like I may just be one of those moms with a baby who cries herself to sleep. Yesterday she only cried 40 minutes before falling asleep for her nap (and it was crying not screaming) and last night after playing with the Larsen's for an hour, she fell asleep with only a few brief cries after putting her in her crib. Last week just must have been one of those weeks. I really am so grateful that my biggest concern right now is a child who cries herself to sleep so I apologize to any of you going through much harder and more difficult things than that. Apparently I just got a little self-consumed. Thanks again for all of the support!!! I promise to have a more normal blog post later this week.

Our Little Angel with her mischievous grin, the first morning that she was caught standing in her crib. (Friday, July 24th)

1 comment:

AP said...

I can't get enough of her!